Hey Nerds! Wanna Write The Dark Crystal Prequel?

 photo of two gelflings from The Dark Crystal

If you know who these two puppets creatures are, then you might be kind of excited about this:

From October 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2013, The Jim Henson Company and Grosset & Dunlap of the Penguin Young Readers Group will be accepting writing submissions to find the author for a new novel set in the world of Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal. This author search is open to all professional and aspiring professional writers.

Tell me I'm not the only one who loved that movie beyond reason as a kid. (Even if I noticed a few flaws when I got older, okay, OKAY.)

So if the sequel isn't happening-- again! -- officially licensed novels sound pretty good to me. Good luck, writer-fans (especially feminist writer-fans)! I can't wait to see the results.

(Hat-tip to my cuz ACB.)

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