Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Rape culture.]

"The commander's ability to preserve good order and discipline remains essential to accomplishing any change within our profession. Reducing command responsibility could adversely affect the ability of the commander to enforce professional standards and ultimately, to accomplish the mission."—Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin Dempsey, in written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, arguing that addressing sexual violence in the US military via the chain of command is integral to preserving order, discipline, and professional standards.

Presumably, that's the same order, discipline, and professional standards that led to an estimated 26,000 sexual assaults of servicemembers last year, only 3,374 of which were reported, and only 238 of which resulted in convictions.

"I urge that military commanders remain central to the legal process," said Gen. Dempsey. To which I can only respond: Why? Why would anyone who cares about really and truly addressing this problem urge that the chain of command structure currently failing a vast majority of victims be retained?

That's rhetorical.

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