[Content Note: Religious supremacy.]
"They don't believe anything. I can't imagine an atheist accompanying a notification team as they go into some family's home to let them have the worst news of their life and this guy says, 'You know, that's it—your son's just worms, I mean, worm food.'"—Texas Representative Mike Conaway (R-Idiculous), during a House Armed Services Committee debate over an amendment to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act proposed by New Jersey Democratic Representative Rob Andrews "that would allow humanists or members of ethical culture groups to join the chaplain corps. Andrews' idea was to help members of the military who don't believe in god, but want someone to talk to about problems without having to seek a medical professional."
Conaway isn't the only Republican on the committee who is Deeply Concerned about letting atheists into foxholes. His colleague from Louisiana, Representative John Fleming, added: "This I think would make a mockery of the chaplaincy. The last thing in the world we would want to see was a young soldier who may be dying and they're at a field hospital and the chaplain is standing over that person saying to them, 'If you die here, there is no hope for you in the future.'"
Ha ha that is definitely a perfect representation of atheists and atheism. These guys are wasted on the House Armed Services Committee. They should be on the House Total Fucking Genius Committee.
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