Right On

Remember the Cheerios ad featuring a mixed-race family, which piqued the ire of ALL the racist haters, because they are THE FUCKING WORST?

Here is just a perfect parody of the backlash to that adorable ad:

A very young biracial girl holding a box of Cheerios stands in the kitchen, talking to her white mom, who is seated at the kitchen table.

Daughter: Mom?

Mom: Yes, honey?

Daughter: Is it true that eating a healthy breakfast cereal like we do every morning is normal? And in the year two thousand and thirteen, the way our family looks shouldn't be such a big deal?

Mom: Well, it says here [gesturing to box] that Cheerios is heart-healthy, and I say that we have the god-given right to stuff our faces with whatever we want and with whomever we want, no matter what the haters say.

Daughter grins broadly and carries the box of Cheerios out of the room. Cut to her black mom, who is waking up from a nap on the sofa, covered in Cheerios.

Mom 2, looking at camera: What? Now this is a problem?

Text onscreen, in Cheerios font: Eat it, haters.

Mom 2, in voiceover: Denise! Disable the YouTube comments!

[H/T to Pam.]

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