Read it—maybe you'll LEARN SOMETHING:
God's laws were created to help us love GodMarriage is based on biological FACT. It's SCIENCE. Look it up. In THE BIBLE.
In Scripture, the creation of man and woman, and the union as husband and wife, is ordained by God (Genesis 2:23-24). And as husband and wife, to be father and mother to any children they produce.
Marriage is based on the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the reality that children need a mother and a father.
God's moral, civil and ceremonial laws were given to help people love God with all their hearts and minds, but were often misquoted and misapplied. Jesus said obedience must be from the heart (attitudes and intentions) rather than just technical observance. For instance, Jesus said no food can defile a person. Bad attitudes and actions are what is wrong.
Every sinner, regardless of the sin, is loved by God, Who seeks not our destruction but rather the conversion of our hearts.
- Margret Brenn, Chesterton
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