AMC's The Killing Open Thread

image of Holder crying while Linden sits quietly beside him

OMG my fellow The Killing fans. Last night's episode wrecked me. WRECKED ME. We need to talk about ALL THE THINGS that wrecked my shit and probably wrecked your shit, too!

[Spoilers!!! Big time spoilers!!!]

Bullet. I cannot even fucking deal. All the sobs forever.

That fuckhead beating up Linden. No. No no no no no. I am so over dudes messing with Linden this season. I wanted Holder to put that guy in a cannon and fire him into the sun!

Holder crying. Please don't do meth again, Holder! PLEASE.

The fucko on death row messing with Peter Sarsgaard's head! WHAT THE FUCK. That scene broke me into one million pieces, and I don't even like Peter Sarsgaard! (I mean, I don't know Peter Sarsgaard, but he seems pretty nice. I just don't know his stinking character's name and I am too lazy to look it up! By which I mean, I am refusing to look it up in an attempt to inject some levity into this post because THIS EPISODE OMG.)


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