Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt, sitting in front of me in the living room, grinning

Two years ago today, Iain and I walked into the local humane society and fell in love with a little black-and-tan mutt who didn't even have a name. We brought her home and gave her the name Zelda, which is either a variation on the German name Griselda, meaning "dark battle," a forever reminder of where we found her, or a Yiddish name meaning "happiness," a forever reminder of what we've promised her.

She is a splendid companion, and such a happy wee thing that it is almost impossible to be grumpy in her presence. I just look at that grinny face and those big brown eyes and try to remember, always: "It's a day!" Especially on hard days.

She is a bright light in my world. I can't say it any more plainly that that. And I am so grateful that she is part of our family.

Zelly lying on me, looking up at me
Zelly and me, snuggling on the couch last night.

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