Discussion and Update Thread: Lac-Mégantic and San Francisco Disasters

[Content note: deaths, train and airplanr accidents, fire]

This weekend has seen two major transportation-related disasters in North America: the crash-landing of Asiana Flight 214 as well as the explosion, directly in the centre of a small Quebec town, of a train carrying crude oil. In both cases, there have been fatalities and injuries.

In Lac-Mégantic, the official death toll stands at five, a number expected to rise as Sûreté du Québec personnel continue their investigations. As many as 2,000 people have been evacuated from their homes, and there is still a risk of more damage:

Fire officials confirmed that three out of the five tankers that were burning had been extinguished with foam. Two more are still on fire and are at risk of explosion. Police said because of that ongoing situation, they haven't been able to access all areas. However, they did say investigators have been on the scene overnight speaking to witnesses....

An unofficial list of missing persons has been set up online for those still looking for loved ones and friends. Dozens of people once on that list have since been located, according to confirmations submitted online. The list is still more than 200 names long.

CTV Montreal has more, including interviews, at this link. (Be aware that there are unsafe images in the videos.)

In San Francisco there are two confirmed deaths and numerous people in hospital:

Asiana Airlines identified the victims as Wang Lin Jia and Ye Meng Yuan. The two were part of a student group from Jiangshan Middle School in China's eastern Zhejiang province, according to Chinese media reports. The Xinhua News Agency reported that dozens of students and teachers from various parts of China were aboard the flight the flight that crashed Saturday. The news agency said that many of the students on teachers on board were going to summer camps in the United States....

Dozens of survivors were taken to hospitals. Passengers said that despite the chaos, most aboard Flight 214, which originated in Shanghai with a stop in Seoul, seemed able to exit quickly and walk from the wreckage without help.

The San Francisco Chronicle has more here. (Be aware that witnesses' accounts are graphic in places.)

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