Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by apples.

Recommended Reading:

Lyle: Judge "Troubled" over Drone Killing Powers [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of war; drones.]

Michelle: What India's Sex Workers Want: Power, Not Rescue [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of misogyny; hostility to agency; violence/rape.]

Jonathan: Fruitvale Station & Oscar Grant: Why Our Anger Is Necessary [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of racialized violence; police brutality.]

Trudy: Marissa Alexander [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of domestic violence; guns; racism; misogyny.]

FMF News: Even John McCain Supports Revisiting Stand Your Ground Laws

Julianne: The Curious Case of George Zimmerman's Race

James: Salon Columnist Asks if Holder Is Obama's "Inner [Slur]" [Content Note: The post at this link includes a racial slur; discussion of racist narratives.]

Megan: "One Man" to Rule Them All [Content Note: The post at this link includes discussion of misogyny in filmmaking.]

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