[Content Note: Hostility to consent.]
Anthony Weiner says the young woman who disclosed an online relationship with him isn't the only one since he resigned from Congress. "I don't believe I had any more than three." Okay. Sure. Who can keep track? This fucking guy.
Meanwhile, at least House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling out this gross behavior in her party (woman's work): "It is so disrespectful of women, and what's really stunning about it is [Weiner and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner] don't even realize, they don't have a clue. If they're clueless, get a clue. If they need therapy, do it in private."
But she stopped short of calling for Weiner to drop out of the NYC mayoral race, saying that's his decision.
Awesome. (By which I mean: Not awesome.)
Because we're still all pretending that this is a "sex scandal" and carefully avoiding identifying Weiner as a predator.
Which is also why Pelosi can say something truly incredible like "they don't even realize, they don't have a clue." Because of course predators realize that what they're doing is disrespectful of women. That's kind of the whole point.
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