1. The Good: We have air conditioning again! Yay! The new thermostat was finally put in this morning, and the house is cool again, and I no longer look nor feel like a hot tomato that is about to explode at any moment. Thank you so much to everyone who has inquired after us.
2. The Bad: Our garage door broke. Because when it rains, it pours. Coincidentally, we had just been at the feed store picking up dog food and were sympathizing with the owner because one of the cables had snapped on his garage door. And then we went home, and the cable snapped on our garage door! Maybe you shouldn't be reading this if you have a garage door.
3. The Ugly or Pretty, Depending on Your Opinion: As I mentioned last week, Iain had gotten me a tattoo for my birthday. (Obviously, I got to pick the tattoo, lol.) As promised, here's a picture of the new ink, also done in the watercolor style of my previous tattoo:
I gave the basic concept of the thistle and the bee to my tattoo artist, and he designed it. The details of the thorns and of the bee are just amazing. The picture doesn't even do it justice: There are three different greens and three different pinks on the thistle. And the little reflective bit on the bee's eye is just extraordinary. He is ridiculously talented. And just the nicest guy.
The thing I love most about it is the juxtaposition of his precise line-work with the messy color. It's just exactly what I wanted. And he gets it, utterly. I am super lucky to have a tattooist with whom I have such great communication and abundant trust.
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