"Rick is going to Austin this week to join those in giving a voice to the unborn."—Republican strategist and senior Rick Santorum adviser John Branbender, alerting the country that Rick Santorum is: 1. Going to Texas; 2. Still a total asshole.
I love, by the way, that Republican men need to travel to Texas to "give a voice to the unborn" while (primarily) Republican men in Texas silence the voices of pro-choice women et al. What was that I was saying about valuing fetuses more highly than the people who carry them again...?
(And, you know, not for nothing, but where are the ostensibly pro-choice Democratic men holding national office to go stand with pro-choice people in Texas? It sure would be nice if the leaders of the ostensibly pro-choice party were as engaged in this fight as the opposition.)
Anyway. In conclusion: Rick Santorum is terrible.
Yes, yes you are.
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