RIP Dennis Farina

Via Shaker Kevin Wolf, I just found out that actor Dennis Farina has died. I don't know the first thing about him as a person, aside from the fact that he was from Chicago and was once a cop in real life and had the greatest mustache. He played quite a collection of love-to-hate-'em characters in his career, approximately 137% of which were cops. In his honor, here is a [NSFW] clip of one of my favorite movie moments of all time:

Video Description: Scene from the movie Striking Distance, in which Dennis Farina shouts at Bruce Willis, who plays a boat cop: "Now get in your little fucking boat and get the fuck outta here! Go catch a fish!"

Dennis Farina, I will always be grateful that you made that scene a real thing in this world that I can enjoy over and over forever. Thank you, sir. I hope you are getting in a little fucking boat and getting the fuck to heaven right now.

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[Note: If there are less flattering things to be said about Farina, they have been excluded because I am unaware of them, not as the result of any deliberate intent to whitewash his life. Please feel welcome to comment on the entirety of his work and life in this thread.]

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