This Might Be the Best Thing You See All Day

Astronaut Karen Nyberg demonstrates how she washes her hair on the International Space Station:

Video Description: Expedition 36 Crew Member Karen Nyberg, a thin white woman, floats in the International Space Station, her long hair floating straight up above her head. She says she is frequently asked how she washes her hair in space, so she's giving a demonstration. She first shows what she needs: A packet of warm water, no-rinse shampoo, a towel, a comb, and a mirror. All the items are velcroed to the wall so they don't float away. She squirts the warm water onto her scalp, and bits of the water float away; she catches as much as she can and puts it on her scalp. She then squirts some shampoo on her scalp and rubs it in, rubbing it through to the ends of her hair. She uses the towel "to help get some of the dirt out." Then she squirts more water onto her scalp and runs her hands through her hair to the ends of her hair, straight up above her head. She dries her hair with the dry part of the towel. She then explains: "And now, as my hair dries, as the water evaporates from my hair, it will become humidity in the air, and then our air conditioning system will collect that into condensate, and then it won't be long and our water processing system will turn that into drinking water." She does a "final comb-through" of her hair, and that is that!

[H/T to Jordan.]

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