Which is Worse?

[Content Note: Discussion of racism]

Inspired by Deeky's post on CNN's excellent "N Word Vs Cracker" segment, I decided the world definitely needed another Tumblr.

I give you Which is Worse?

The general idea is that I take something that one or more white people have done to black people (for instance, hundreds of years of slavery) and something that one or more black people has done (Jamie Foxx once hosted Saturday Night Live). Then I pretend that the white person thing exists in a vacuum, conflate the behavior of one or more black people with the behavior of all black people at all times, and then invite readers to debate which is worse, as if a giant racist wankoff premised on a false equivalence is definitely a productive and not-at-all racist use of everyone's time.

Here's a sample:
The Supreme Court all but ended the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Ice-T still has a highly successful acting career.

Six of one, A PONY.

[Please leave your suggestions here. Comments in this space should be used for serious discussion of racist false equivalencies.]

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