Here's the thing about President Obama even indulging talk of Larry Summers replacing Ben Bernanke at the Fed: If and when he chooses Janet Yellen, as he should, because she is by far the best candidate, it will go down as an "affirmative action" choice. The narrative will forever be that Obama chose Yellen for "diversity."
This is the problem with so many privileged white men failing upwards throughout their careers, and being seriously considered as contenders for positions for which they're not qualified. It casts doubt on the women, and the men from marginalized populations, especially men of color, who succeed, even when we are the best candidates.
It is not fair to Janet Yellen that, even if she gets the job, as she should, her appointment will be tainted with the suspicion she only got it because Obama wanted to cover his ass for even considering that sexist d-bag Larry Summers.
That's why men like Summers can't even be in contention, Mr. President.
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