Here is some stuff in the news today!
[Content Note: Sexual violence; hostility to agency] The National Women's Law Center has issued a report documenting "abortion restrictions that have been introduced and enacted at the state and federal levels in the first six months of 2013 and that fail to protect women [and other people with uteri] who are pregnant due to rape."
California Republican Representative Tom McClintock doesn't believe that white collar crime on Wall Street exists. "For a criminal practice there has to be a gun. It's pretty simple." Ha ha WHUT. Republicans are geniuses.
[CN: Racism; anti-immigration rhetoric] Speaking of geniuses, RNC Chair Reince Priebus says that Mitt Romney's campaign was "racist" and "horrific." Just kidding. He actually said that Republican Iowa Representative Steve King's comments on immigration were "racist" and "horrific," but they were the same things Mitt Romney said! Priebus: "Using the word 'self-deportation'—it's a horrific comment to make. I don't think it has anything to do with our party. When someone makes those comments, obviously, it's racist." Whoooooops! King, who is a garbage nightmare, also said that undocumented immigrants have "calves the size of cantaloupes" so they can haul "75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."
President Obama is putting solar panels back on the White House. Take that, Ronald Reagan!
Do you want to know where Area 51 is? Well, here's a declassified map! Now you know. Was that more or less exciting than you expected? Exactly as exciting as you expected? Tell us in comments! Or don't! Life is short. Do whatever makes you happy.
Gina Carano wants a Wonder Woman movie, and she wants it done right. Yes, ma'am!
Meet the olinguito, the first mammalian carnivore species to be newly identified in the Americas in 35 years!
Here is a story about a shar pei who adopted a kitten rescued from a parking lot. No YOU'RE crying!
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