In The News

Here is some stuff in the news today!

[Content Note: Racism; misogyny] Emi Koyama talks to Sarah Mirk at Bitch about silencing and male feminists.

RIP Elmore Leonard.

Congratulations to New Zealand, whose shiny new same-sex marriage law took effect yesterday!

[CN: Racism] Republican Maine Governor Paul LePage says President Obama hates white people. Which is the part getting a lot of attention, but he reportedly also waxed philosophical about "how Obama could have been the best president ever if he had highlighted his biracial heritage." Which is such a terrific (by which I mean terrible) observation! Our first black president would be THE BEST if only he reminded us constantly that he wasn't totally black! Also? I am pretty sure that the President has mentioned being biracial. I'm just saying.

US Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia advocates mob rule. Basically. We really need to revisit that whole "lifetime appointment" thing, y'all.

Speaking of our totes awesome Supreme Court, the Obama administration is petitioning them to please rule that the Fourth Amendment allows warrantless searches of cell phones, because, according to them, "a cellphone is no different than any other object a suspect might be carrying." Ha ha WHUT. Sure. Welcome to America 2.0, everyone!

Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner, who have been partners for 42 years, may get married, now that they can.

The Obamas have a new dog named Sunny, and she is very cute!

In case you were wondering what the perfect way to melt cheese on toast is, science has figured it out for you! OBJECTIVELY.

J.J. Abrams has released a mysterious new teaser trailer for a mysterious new project. The only thing we know for sure is that it's about a dude! (Phew!) I am, as I think is WELL DOCUMENTED, a J.J. Abrams fan, but I have to be honest that he hasn't done anything that has made me VERY EXCITED for a long time, and I'm not getting the feeling that this project will break my Wev Streak, but I hope that I'm wrong!

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