In The News

Here is some stuff in the news today!

[Content Note: Sexual harassment] Another day, another woman accusing Democratic San Diego Mayor Bob Filner of sexual harassment. That makes ten. This case is such a powerful example of how silence abets abuse, and what it means when victims see that their stories will be taken seriously.

[CN: Sexual violence] This article about the failure of police in Cleveland regarding sex crimes investigations is awful to read, and I suspect that it could be written about most major US cities. Because, among other issues, what most police don't understand about rapists, and what most police don't understand about victims, is a lot.

[CN: Homophobia] Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is still being a total d-bag about same-sex marriage in New Jersey. I don't know how this guy got a national reputation for being socially liberal, because he isn't. He's terrible. Just because he took a picture with President Obama once doesn't mean he's not cut from the same reprehensible cloth as the rest of his homophobic, misogynist, racist party.

Shinji Kinjo, head of Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Authority task force, says that highly radioactive water seeping into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear plant has created an emergency situation. Yiiiiiiikes.

[CN: Fat bias at link] Would you eat a burger made from meat grown in a lab? I would give it a try! Why not?!

There's a new Doctor Who and GUESS WHAT it's another white guy! I already don't watch or care about Doctor Who, but, if I did, I would be quitting the fuck out of that show because at this point it's like they're just laughing at fans who are begging for diversity in casting the Doctor!

[Spoilers from previous seasons of Breaking Bad at link] Do you want to read Bryan Cranston talking about Walter White and how Walt is totally the wooooooorst? HE IS SO TERRIBLE! Walt, you are the worst, and I can't wait until Hank puts you in jail. I'm sure it won't be any more dramatic than that! The season will definitely begin with Hank wiping his butt, arresting Walt, taking him to jail, and the rest of the episodes will be a super boring trial with zero explosions or heads mounted on turtles. I bet.

Do you want to watch a baby elephant splashing around in a pool? I don't see why you wouldn't!

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