
[Content Note: Misogyny; appropriation; sexual violence.]

I think it's supercool that the New York Times' Frank Bruni was able to find a white dude who is a professor AND a comic to talk to for a piece on "Tackling the Roots of Rape." He's so good at saying the things that feminist and womanist women have been saying for longer than he has been alive!

I am so glad that all of our free labor has gotten him a book deal and an interview in the Times! Good for him!

ETA. Maybe he said ALL KINDS of awesome stuff about women who laid this groundwork during the interview, and we will never know! That is definitely possible in an infinite universe! In any case, my ire is really with the Times, and Bruni, who think it's cool to feature a piece about antirape advocacy on the op-ed page with no reference to female advocates and no indication that the singular white male subject is not the progenitor of these concepts.

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