I have focused for so long, uhhhh, on the things that have made me miserable. I have told you in the past, and I know you feel exactly the same way, that we have watched people—our, our country, we feel deeply about. Those on the left don't. But we do. We feel it's an exceptional place. And I feel as though I have seen a killer that I can identify—the progressive movement—and we have seen them lie their way into our child's bedroom every single night and smother it with a pillow. And every day we get up, and we're like, "No, don't, no, no! He—he's a killer! He's trying to kill everything that you love! Don't—no, no! Will somebody listen?!" And every night, they come in and—and that's what I feel like my job has been: To try to ring the bell that there is somebody that's trying to smother everything that we hold dear and love—and kill it. And we have watched them do it.—Glenn Beck.
1. No, both sides are not just as bad.
2. *cough*PROJECTION!*cough*
3. I don't know if I love more that he refers to a child as "it," or that his metaphor is progressives sneaking into conservative children's bedrooms and smothering them to death, but then having to go back and do it again the next day. Are conservative children actually vampires in this metaphor? Are they all Jesus? What is going on?
4. I can't even believe conservatives are still yammering about progressives hating America. That old chestnut. Listen, dipshit—I think the US is an exceptional place, too. That doesn't mean I don't also think it couldn't stand to be fucking improved. "Exceptional" and "perfect" are not synonyms.
5. Shut up, Glenn Beck.
6. What, exactly, have conservatives lost that is so dear to them? Aside from the Constitutional Amendment that federally mandates no human being is allowed to say Merry Christmas anymore, OBVIOUSLY. I know it's hard knocks to have to exist on the same planet where two people of the same sex can legally wed one another in a minority of places and a few million more people will have health insurance, but I'm not sure that actually constitutes the loss of killing everything conservatives love. I mean, Two and a Half Men is still on the air, right?
7. Shut up, Glenn Beck.
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