You Don't Even Know How Hard It Is to Babysit Your Kids

[Content Note: Sexism; gender essentialism.]

Did you know that men have to learn how to parents, unlike women, who are born with the innate knowledge of how to take care of a baby? It's true! That's why there are no books for expectant or adoptive mothers, and why lactation consultants are just one example of the many things that do not exist in the world for new mothers, because they are unnecessary, due to our natural gift for all things parenting. Which men don't share. Obviously. Because they are men.

Another thing that's hard for men, besides the terrifyingly steep learning curve of being responsible for a new life which is something women definitely do not experience, is finding a good work-life balance. That is really hard for male parents. Who, by the way, also don't get enough credit for all the work they do.

I mean, why are we even giving women credit for parenting at all? When you really think about it, women are born to parent and men have to work at it, so giving women credit is like congratulating someone on continuing to breathe or take a dump. Women are just doing what they're hard-wired to do, but men are overcoming millennia of EVOLUTION to change diapers.

It's called science. Look it up.

And then get busy baking some cookies, ladies.

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