A. You found a "White Student Union" on your campus.
B. You say the following with a straight face:
"If we are already minorities on campus and are soon to be minorities in this country why wouldn't we have the right to advocate for ourselves and have a club just like every other minority?"C. You want to celebrate "white identity" in a club where students of "European and European-American descent" can gather.
D. You are definitely not bothered if your "club" is also known as a "hate group" by the SPLC.
E. All of the above.
Extra credit bonus question: In a paragraph or so, please describe the level of genius it takes to assert that a plurality is a minority, to confuse "whiteness" with "European descent," and to ignore all the other fun whites-only clubs, such as the Every Single Governor of Georgia Alliance, The Presidents 1-43 League, The Georgia GOP Caucus Moose Lodge, and the KKK.
ETA: If you need a visual aid for this test, the GSU WSU's flyer can be viewed at this link.
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