I Write Letters

[Content Note: Domestic violence apologia.]

Dear James Taranto, Editor of the Wall Street Journal's Online Editorial Page:

Nope. George Zimmerman is not "guilty of being male" for intimidating and/or assaulting his ex-wife and her father.

Please note: Using deadly weaponry to intimate and/or physically assault women is not a matter of manhood's course.

I am married to a man who has never physically intimidated me, physically hurt me, or given me any reason at all to call 911. Before him, I was married to a man who never physically intimidated me, physically hurt me, or gave me any reason at all to call 911.

I have been involved with a man who has done these things. He did not do them because he is a man, but because he is a garbage nightmare of humanity.

Although I will tell you, frankly, that attributing to maleness, masculinity, manhood what is actually simple indecency does not help dissuade such men from engaging in such behaviors.

Fuck Off.

Melissa McEwan

P.S. I note once again the irony that it is feminists who are considered man-haters.

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