Here is some stuff in the news today!
Pew Research finds that five years after the financial crash, "a majority of Americans (63%) say the nation's economic system is no more secure today than it was before the 2008 market crash." Ha ha because it isn't, maybe?!
Oh, GOP, you are so terrible: "Forty-three House Republicans on Thursday endorsed legislation that would keep the government open while defunding ObamaCare."
[Content Note: Rape culture] Budget cuts across the country have resulted in not enough police humanpower to respond quickly to calls about sexual assaults: "If you've called the police to report a sexual assault, chances are you will be waiting for a while before an officer shows up. That's because many police departments, faced with dwindling forces and budget cuts, prioritize response to rape victims lower than other emergency calls where people may be in immediate danger." Awesome.
[CN: Homophobia] A young girl who chose "God" as her idol for a school assignment was told by her teacher to choose someone else, so her mom raised hell, and the teacher was sold out as having made a mistake by the school administration. But in case you were wondering if the mom is a total asshole, ha ha SHE IS: "I told the principal this morning, would it be better if she wrote about Ellen Degeneres? Of course there was no comment." Would it be better if my daughter wrote about A LESBIAN?! NO! IT'S BETTER SHE'S WRITING ABOUT GOD, WHO IS STRAIGHT!
[CN: Rape; capital punishment] The four men convicted in the New Delhi gang rape case have been sentenced to death. And I already said what I have to say about that.
[CN: Harassment] Actress Nicole Kidman was knocked down by a paparazzo illegally riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in New York City to try to get a picture of her. She did not suffer major injury, but fuuuuuuuckkkkk. These fucking guys. They are terrible! And if we lived in a decent society that did not consider constant harassment "the price you pay" for a public life, there would be laws to hold people accountable for being garbage nightmare harassers.
Would you like to read a nice story about a mama dog who adopted some orphaned baby kittens? Well, here you go!
Happy 15th (!!!) blogiversary, John Scalzi!
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