Here is some stuff in the news today!
Igor has your Complete Guide to the GOP's Three-Year Campaign to Shut Down the Government. What a depressing but very excellent read! Those Republicans sure are terrible!
Speaking of which: House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps. Which is both cruel AND pointless! Because the Democratically-controlled Senate is very unlikely to pass these cuts, and, even if they did, President Obama would almost certainly veto the fuck out of it with what I can only imagine is a special veto pen made of undiluted rage that he would have commissioned just for the occasion.
[Content Note: War] The Syrian government says the country's civil war has reached a stalemate and neither side is strong enough to win. According to Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil, "President Bashar al-Assad's government will call for a ceasefire at a long-delayed conference in Geneva on the state's future."
[CN: Homophobia] Anti-choice Mormons are fixing to insert themselves into Hawaii's fight for same-sex marriage. Because nothing says "I am a good person who is definitely going to the Celestial Kingdom" like dedicating your energies to obstructing other human beings' happiness.
The government contractor that ran the background check on Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis "performs a majority of background checks for our government." Whooooooops!
This is a real article in the world: Hillary Clinton all but running. In which reporters basically accuse Clinton and her team of lying, because she appears to be laying groundwork for a presidential run but hasn't announced her candidacy. HOW DARE SHE. Who does she think she is, anyway—some kind of HUMAN BEING who has the right to determine the course of her own life? What a jerk!
Do you want to see Peter Dinklage on Sesame Street singing about Simon Says? Well, here you go then! Simon Says let's all cheer for Peter Dinklage! *cheers*
[CN: Breaking Bad spoilers] Vince Gilligan talks about writing Breaking Bad. It's a lot of responsibility messing with our emotions and shaming the writers of almost every other show on television!
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