Monday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by a brief space in between lectures.

Neil at Wonkblog: The FBI Can’t Investigate Terrorists and Fraudsters Due to Budget Cuts

Heather at Crooks and Liars: Barasso Fearmongers over Single Payer Systems

[CN: classism, racism] LaToya at Racialicious: Is Economic Mobility Destined to be a Zero Sum Game?

[CN: misogyny] Indian Homemaker: Marriage Tips Only For Men Just For Fun

[CN: misogyny, religious oppression] Lubna at Saudi Women Launch New Campaign to End Driving Ban

[CN: ableism, access issues] Netmouse at Access Fandom: Detcon1 Seeking Accessibility Lead

[CN: racism, sexism]Rebecca at The Mary Sue: Let’s Take a Moment to Appreciate the Real-Life Version of Sleepy Hollow‘s Abbie Mills

[CN: transphobia] Andy at Towler Road: Transgender Journalist Dehumanised by Comedian at Eurogamer Expo

The History Blog: U.S. Returns Silver Griffin Rhyton to Iran

Scicurious: Practice Spinning, Tiny Dancer

Peter at Weird Shit in Historic Newspapers: Chinese Eggs (1922)

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