Stephen Harper Doesn't Give a Shit About Aboriginal People, Again

[Content Note: racism, misogyny, violence against women and girls.]

The Conservative government of Canada has rejected calls from the UN Human Rights Council for a federal investigation into the alarming problem of violence against Aboriginal Women:

[Canadian ambassador to the UN Elissa] Golberg said Canada takes the issue seriously and that provincial and local governments are better suited to getting results on those issues.

Shawn Atleo, national chief of Canada's Assembly of First Nations, said there is deep concern among aboriginals over the government's refusal to conduct a national review of the problem.

"There is strong support for this action domestically among provincial and territorial leaders and the Canadian public and strong international support, not to mention a multitude of reports and investigations that urge Canada to act," Atleo said in a statement...."It is especially clear that words need to be supported by actions, that commitments and declarations need to be accompanied by concrete and concerted efforts in collaboration with First Nations to ensure all of our citizens, including women and girls, are safe."

As for the provincial governments, most premiers have already made it clear that they want a federal inquiry. Harper's stance has been that it's time for action, rather than more investigation. Ha ha ha, that is SO TRUE, sir! Considering that the UN has been pressuring you since at least 2008-2009 to do something about the nearly 600 missing aboriginal women and girls, I would say it is definitely time for action. You are on to something there!

But since the Harper government's sense of "action" on Aboriginal rights issues has been one of GARBAGE action, from the reckless abandonment of the Kelowna Accord and the godawful colonialist provisions of Bill C-64, to the continued avoidance of Idle No More and the bullshit paternalistic "workfare" in the 2013 Budget, please forgive me for being doubtful that your call to action is a call to good action.

Oh, and let's not forget: the Harpercons severely cut funding for Sisters in Spirit, a database tracking aboriginal women's disappearances. Yes, Mr. Harper, you are definitely very sincerely interested in this problem! I totally believe that!

(Disclaimer: I do not even partially believe that.)

Nearly 600 aboriginal women and girls, gone. Hundreds or thousands of other women and girls at risk. And Stephen Harper's government has the fucking racist audacity to treat them as bargaining chips in their latest showdown with the UN, or as disposable items in the budget, or whatever fucking game they're playing this week. I have no words to express my contempt for this continuing obscenity. I stand in solidarity with Idle No More's October 7 Day of Action:

We must collectively send a clear message that our movement will not stop intervening in Canada’s attempts to conduct business as usual, until our right to free, prior, and informed consent is universally upheld, until all provisions of Bill c-45 are repealed, until justice is served in the dealings over our murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls, and until our lands and our treaties are respected!”

(If you would like to find a Day of Action event, or to organize your own, you can visit Idle No More's Event page.)

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