The Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by potatoes.

Recommended Reading:

Minna: African Women Are Blazing a Feminist Trail

Nadia: Women Stand Up and Get Arrested for Immigration Reform [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of racism and misogyny.]

Angry Asian Man: Sikh Columbia University Professor Attacked in Hate Crime [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of racism, religious intolerance, and violence.]

Katie: The Whitewashing of the Environmental Movement [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of racism and institutional harm.]

Flavia: Professor Feminism (aka Hugø $chwyz3r) Is Back at It [Content Note: The post at this link contains discussion of abuse, harassment, racism, and misogyny.]

BYP: Grace Jones to Write Book About Her Life

And finally! Trudy has compiled a bunch of her pieces on Beauty Politics in one place. Go check 'em out!

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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