So, I recently watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower, because approximately eleventy trillion people had told me I had to watch it, and/or read the book on which it's based, because The Smiths! and Bowie! and Rocky Horror! Which are indeed all things I love, but I did not love that movie. There are a lot of problems with it, which I'm not going to detail, because they're (sorta) beside the point (of this post). Because the main reason I hated it was that I HAVE ALREADY SEEN PLENTY OF COMING-OF-AGE MOVIES ABOUT PRIVILEGED WHITE AMERICAN BOYS. And the broken girls who save them. And the terrible adult ladies who ruin them. And the awesome male English teachers who know they will be brilliant novelists someday.
Enough! This genre is officially played out! US Film Industry: Please cease and desist!
Anyway. I was thinking about how there are at least two dozen different film genres that fit the definition of "formulaic shit I never want to see again," and I bet I'm not alone, so here is a thread to discuss all of them! Go!
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