[Content Note: Food insecurity; class warfare.]
"Maybe in your world it's not the end of the world. Eighty-five thousand people are losing nutritional assistance in Arkansas. That's not inside the Beltway, that's in Arkansas."—HuffPo reporter Sam Stein, to Bill Kristol, conservative pundit and wrongest man on the entire planet, this morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe..
"[The government shutdown is] not going to be the end of the world, honestly, even if you're on nutritional assistance from the federal government. I believe that no one is going to starve in Arkansas because of the shutdown."—Kristol, in response, who suggested that churches can meet the need if anyone's really starving geez.
Think Progress has video of the entire exchange here, and I will warn you that Kristol's chipper flippancy with which he discusses this subject is likely to enrage anyone with a functioning sense of decency.
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