Garbage Treasures: Now with Extra Duran Duran!

As you may recall, Deeky collects and saves useless garbage like we're beyond Thunderdome and useless garbage is now a form of currency and he's a garbageaire. Then, instead of throwing it away, he throws pieces of his fancy detritus collection into an envelope and pays money to ship it to me, at which point I put them in plastic treasure chests and put them out by the curb every week to be collected by the "treasure man," who buries them at the "treasure dump" for me for safe keeping.

But not before taking a picture of the bounty so that I can post it, natch.

image of the collection of garbage treasures described below

Counter-clockwise from top right: A flier for the George Peabody Library Book Festival, which happened September 27-29; a brochure for Medieval Times in Hanover, Maryland; a full sheet of Diary of a Wimpy Kid car window decals; a foil package of Parks and Recreation trading cards; a flier for Reducing Gun Violence in America, forward by Michael R. Bloomberg, featuring the image of a machine gun; an advert for the Broadway Musical edition of Elf, adapted from the movie starring Will Ferell; a pile of business card-sized prints of Duran Duran; the packaging for a Doc Johnson Classic Butt Plug (smooth | medium), built in America since 1976; a manky copy of Jennifer Love Hewitt's book, The Day I Shot Cupid, which looks like it's spent some time in a gutter puddle; a photocard for Disney's Teen Beach Movie, the tagline for which is "Never contradict a girl!" because obviously it is; and a little gummy skeleton covered in cat hair.

This is, by the way, about a quarter of the total contents of the envelope.


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