[Content Note: Racism, slavery, appropriation]
Did any of y'all happen to catch the George Will interview that aired on NPR's Morning Edition? (Here's a link. I don't recommend it.)
He actually said: "I hear the Democrats say the Affordable Care Act is the law, as though we're supposed to genuflect at that sunburst of insight and move on. Well, the Fugitive Slave Act was the law. 'Separate but equal' was the law."
Not to be a pedant, but both of those examples undermine his supposed point (I think we all know what his actual point was) that governing is hard, and change is hard fought. Both of those things were the law (or in the case of segregation, a shitload of laws), and I seem to recall that changing them took a certain amount of effort beyond 40 douches in Washington refusing to do their jobs.
Oh, and also it's neat how white people keeping comparing the signature act of America's first black president to Jim Crow and slavery. That's especially so given that I'm not so sure that encouraging people to buy health insurance in open market is the same as allowing people to buy other people.
Bonus points, of course, for the word "genuflect."
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