Here are some things in the news today!
[CN: misogyny] ABC news has discovered that women face a lot of misogynistic hate online! In other breaking news, how to use the < blink > tag in HTML and how to format your floppy disks.
[CN: slavery] The first-ever global slavery index reveals that 30 million people live in slavery worldwide; of those, 14 million live in India.
[CN: religious oppression, misogyny] Women in Saudia Arabia are gearing up for another important day to defy the driving ban on October 26.
[CN: disablism, racism, classism] In case you had any doubts, Stephen Harper's Conservatives are still garbage nightmares, as evidenced in yesterday's throne speech. I really am not sure what is my least favourite part, but this is way down there: "The government also says it will close loopholes that allow for the feeding of addiction under the guise of treatment,' a measure that is sure to be controversial. The Conservatives continue to oppose Vancouver's In-Site clinic, despite a wealth of scientific research showing it's effective in reducing harm." WHO NEEDS EVIDENCE, AMIRITE?
[CN: sexism] And if you are one of those people to whom evidence really does matter, it turns out there is a study confirming what most of my straight friends with kids already know: fathers average more leisure time than mothers! And mothers find that their leisure activities leave them more stressed. Huh. Which leaves me wondering: is there a similar gap for same-sex couples and others who do not evenly split along a gender binary? What about couples without kids? In short, SCIENCE.
[CN: violence] General Keith Alexander is is stepping down as head of the NSA. Also, it turns out the NSA's surveillance of emails and other information is playing a huge role in the U.S's drone strike program, according to material in the leaks from Edward Snowden. "I'm sure those two stories have nothing to do with one another, ahem."--Liss, in an email that I share with her permission. Me too, Liss! Sounds like 100% wacky random happenstance!
[CN: racism] Speaking of not-coincidences: a teenaged boy in Florida who is an orphan makes a heartfelt plea for someone to adopt him. This shit doesn't happen in a void. There are many barriers to adoption in the U.S. today, but the facts that he is Black and male are not incidental to his story.
[CN: cis-centric language] Last week, Luana, a six-year old Argentinian girl, became the first known trans* child to correct her gender on her birth certificate without a court order.
Do you live in California? Do you want a Snoopy license plate? You are in luck! Insert beagle dance of joy.
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