In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today.

[Content Note: Guns; violence] The teacher who died in yesterday's school shooting in Nevada, math instructor Mike Landsberry, died trying to nonviolently disarm the student shooter. Blub.

Here are two headlines I just read back-to-back: 1. US CEOs break pay record as top 10 earners take home at least $100m each. 2. US unemployment little changed at 7.2% as recovery remains sluggish. Corporations constantly say they don't have the funds to create new jobs, while they overwork current employees and pay CEOs salaries in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Two Americas.

[CN: Drones] Two new reports on the US drone program—one from Amnesty International detailing drone strikes in Pakistan, and one from Human Rights Watch collating civilian drone casualties in Yemen—"call into question the legality of the US drone program and raise the specter of American war crimes."

[CN: Homophobia] The DOMA dominoes begin to fall: "Four legally married same-sex couples who live in Tennessee filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Nashville, challenging Tennessee laws that prevent the state from recognizing their marriages and treating them the same as all other legally married couples in Tennessee."

NBC has "quietly put Parks and Recreation on hiatus for most of the rest of the year." When Jess gave me the news yesterday, I said: "Boo. Although, if I'm honest, I'm so tired of hearing how fat/gross everyone in Pawnee is, that I kind of don't even care anymore. :(" So I am sad for multiple reasons!

Ha ha! The Fifth Estate is a huge flop!

A pit bull named Elle is the 2013 Hero Dog of the Year.

A US soldier has been reunited with the cat who befriended him while he served in Afghanistan: "She gave companionship no human could understand and now I want to take her home to America."

This guy passed maths and his dad is SO PROUD OF HIM!

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