
[Content Note: Hostility to agency; eugenics.]

Republican Senator Rand Paul continues to be a delight:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday warned that the combination of abortion and scientific advances could one day lead to the practice of eugenics.
Of course he did.

His speech was in support of Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, and naturally it was delivered at Liberty University, that glorious bastion of conservative Christian matriculation founded by the late Jerry Falwell.
Paul looked to energize conservative supporters by warning that genetic tests could identify those who are predisposed to be short, overweight or less intelligent so that they could be eliminated. With one week remaining before Election Day, Cuccinelli is hoping the joint appearance with the U.S. senator from Kentucky will encourage the far-right flank of his party to abandon third-party libertarian spoiler Robert Sarvis.

"In your lifetime, much of your potential - or lack thereof - can be known simply by swabbing the inside of your cheek," Paul said to a packed sporting arena on Liberty's campus. "Are we prepared to select out the imperfect among us?"
I always love this framing: This EXTREME THING could possibly happen, so let's ban SCIENCE! And ABORTION! Heck, while we're at it, let's not just defund Obamacare; let's ban DOCTORS and MEDICINE!

Conservatives are so great. They consistently govern expecting the worst of human nature on social issues, despite the fact there is a preponderance of evidence that we can, as a culture, agree to social progress and protections for vulnerable populations, and consistently govern in spite of the worst of human nature on economic issues, despite the fact there is a preponderance of evidence that people with wealth and power do not self-regulate to the benefit of the masses, nor do provide charitable subsidy when a public social safety net is decimated.

Sure, it's possible that we could go down a road where fetuses fated to be aesthetically deviant people are aborted. But, personally, I think we're capable of having that conversation and ultimately making wise decisions about limitations on science that could also save lives.

Of course, I have a terrible habit of expecting more.

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