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Recommended Reading:
Von: Lawmakers Among the 200 Arrested at Immigration Rally
Angus: [Content Note: Rape; violence; misogyny] $chwyz3r Quits. Apparently For Real This Time.
Echidne: On the Government Shutdown. Who Needs Governments, Anyway?
Mike: [Content Note: Racism; police brutality; dog bites] So Far This Year, L.A. County Sheriff's Dogs Have Only Bitten People of Color
Jeremy: [Content Note: Homophobia] Man Behind Politically-Motivated, Discredited Research Supports Same
Trudy: [Content Note: Racism; misogyny; street harassment; rape culture; PTSD] Street Harassment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sikivu: [Content Note: Violence; racism; homophobia; transphobia] Disposable Children: Whiteness, Heterosexism, & the Murder of Lawrence King
Lori: [Content Note: Misogyny] Why Twitter's "Woman Problem" Is about More Than Identity Politics
Joseph: Jellyfish May Be the Most Energy-Efficient Animals in the World
Joshua: Photo and Video of the Day: Bison Protests the Shutdown
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