Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Child abandonment.]

"I think my dog saved the baby's life. I'm very proud of her."—Roger Wilday, whose 9-year-old German Shepherd, Jade, discovered an abandoned baby in a park while the pair were out for a walk.
Roger Wilday was walking his 9-year-old dog on Oct. 31 when Jade disappeared into some bushes. When she refused to come when he called, Wilday went looking for her and found her lying beside a discarded bag.

"I walked over and saw a carrier bag — then I saw it move," Wilday told the Birmingham Mail. "I thought it was a bag of kittens, but then I saw her little arms and a head, and the baby started to cry."

Wilday called the police, who immediately transported the infant — who was only 24 hours old and still had the umbilical cord attached — to the hospital.

Based on the 6-pound baby's temperature, police believe she’d been in the park no more than 30 minutes.

"Pediatricians have confirmed the baby was lucky to be found when she was as even just a few more hours exposed to the elements could have had fatal consequences," Birmingham East Police Chief Inspector Ian Green said in a Facebook post.

A spokesman for the police say the baby — whom nurses have named Jade after Wilday's dog — is doing well and is expected to be placed with a foster family in the next few days.

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