Virginia Republicans are in the midst of a three-day gathering to sort through what happened in their across-the-board losses at the ballot box in 2013.They just have to convince voters they're on our side. They don't actually have to be on our side! Ha ha of course not. That would be silly.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) spoke Saturday -- a speech in which he tried to offer a vision for how the party can start winning again. Here's the crux of the Cantor argument:
"Winning elections is about convincing the voters that the we have their back, that we're on their side. If we want to win, we must offer solutions to problems that people face every day. We have not done this recently and it has allowed Democrats to take power, it has allowed them to push their partisan politics, and even worse to enact their leftist agenda."
Sort of like how they need to hide their misogynist garbage policies behind less inflammatory misogynist rhetoric, rather than actually change those policies.
I'm no highly-paid political consultant with a nifty sinecure at a conservative thinktank, but it is my estimation that if Republicans want voters to believe they have our backs, they could start by changing their reprehensible position on whether people are entitled to food.
Just a thought!
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