This is Andrew Mupuya, and he is an eco-friendly Ugandan entrepreneur, whose business grew out of his need to provide for himself to survive, and you should definitely go read this story about him, because he is amazing.
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I imagine there will be people who will read this story and imagine that Andrew Mupuya is a perfect example of the aspirational poor about whom Kevin O'Leary was speaking last week. But I don't think it takes anything at all away from Mupuya's incredible vision, talents, and hard work to note that even he had crucial help along the way: "To start out his small operation, Mupuya figured out he needed a capital of 36,000 Ugandan shillings ($14). He raised the first $11 from selling 70 kilos of used plastic bottles he'd collected over one week. Mupuya then borrowed the remaining $3 from his school teacher and embarked on his entrepreneurial journey producing paper bags on a small scale."
Imagine if everyone who could spare $3 gave it to someone who needed it at just the right time.
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