There needs to be a way to raise the wage without passing that cost on to those same workers.Apropos of this idea: Fortune 50 CEO pay vs. our salaries.
There is: Prioritizing people over profits and flattening wages so that executives don't make hundreds of times as much as average workers in the same company.
Certainly there are cases, especially in very small businesses, where it's not feasible to significantly raise wages without raises prices on goods or services, but there are a lot of businesses where it would be totally feasible to raise wages and keep the price of goods or services stable, if only corporate executives and/or shareholders were willing to give a little.
ETA. And it's a sharp commentary on our national priorities that this isn't even considered a solution that's worthy of public discussion, so thoroughly certain are we all that it's never going to happen.
If a CEO making 6,258 times the salary of a typical worker in hir company claims there's no way to raise wages without raising prices, they're lying. It's sheer avarice.
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