Daily Dose of Cute

I'm sorry this light in this video is so shitty, but hopefully you'll be able to get the gist...

Video Description: There is a blue blanket piled up in a heap on the couch. My fat, white, tattooed right arm reaches into the frame and begins to pull back the layers of the blanket. Suddenly, Matilda's wee head pops up. I giggle. "Whatcha doing?" I ask her in a squeaky voice. She snuggles backwards beneath the blanket. "D'you wanna go back under your blanket? Okay. Bye-bye!" I pile the blanket back on top of her. Pause. I unpeel the blanket heap once more. Her wee head pops up and she looks around. "Okay. Bye-bye!" I say, and cover her with the blanket. Fin.

image of Matilda the Sealpoint Blue-Eyed Cat sitting wrapped up in her blue blanket

Matilda in her blanket.

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