"We are the ones who get awards!"
So, the Golden Globes were last night, and I only watched the first part of them because I just wasn't in an Awards Show mood last night.
Welp, they got it half right! Bryan Cranston did win Best Actor in a Dramatic Series (yay!) and Breaking Bad finally won Best Dramatic TV Series. Yay! But Kerry Washington lost Best Actress in a Dramatic Series to Robin Wright. Even though I love Robin Wright in House of Cards, I am sad that Kerry Washington lost because SCANDAL.
And because the entire list of winners for acting were white people. Including a straight white man (Michael Douglas) playing a gay character and a cis white man (Jared Leto) playing a trans woman. For fuck's sake.
12 Years a Slave won Best Dramatic Picture. American Hustle won best Comedic/Musical Picture. There's something to be said about giving complementary awards to a brutal film about state-sanctioned slavery based on a black man's memoir, and a kitschy film about kooky white criminals besting the government loosely based on a true story. The juxtaposition of how Important Black Stories are ones of tragedy and harm, and how Important White Stories (see also: The Wolf of Wall Street, for which Leonardo DiCaprio won Best Actor) are ones of stylized white privilege and exploitation, is excruciating. And so is the way in which white power-brokers receive them.
Anyway. A complete list of winners is here. Discuss.
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