So, Michelle Goldberg wrote a cover story for The Nation entitled "Feminism's Toxic Twitter Wars." And, because the piece largely sets up these "Twitter wars" as a war between white women and women of color, I'm having trouble composing a response that doesn't read as cookie-seeking and/or nothing more than an attempt to distance myself from other white feminists.
So, I'm just going to say this: I really find the article objectionable, for a lot of reasons. And it has not been my personal experience that women who make good faith criticisms of my work want to harm me, but that they want me to listen and to do better, because when I fail, I harm them.
For discussion of the piece, please see: @Karnythia, @DrJaneChi, @Blackamazon, @TheAngryFangirl, @thetrudz, @dreamhampton, and @scATX. If your first instinct is to push back, don't.
Please feel welcome and encouraged to leave links to additional responses in comments.
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