The most interesting part of the whole thing for me came in the second to last paragraph:
In her final months as secretary of state in the summer of 2012, when her approval ratings and press coverage were at all-time highs, I asked Bill Clinton what he thought of his wife's transformed image. Over coffee at the Hilton in Nicosia, Cyprus, he told me the story of having just finished working on the McGovern campaign, his official, and intoxicating, introduction into presidential politics. He said he told Hillary he'd met some of the most prominent people of their generation, and she was by far the most gifted. "You should be in public life," he told her back then. "She said: 'Look at how hard-hitting I am. Nobody will ever vote for me for anything.'"How many women with talents even half as considerable as Hillary Clinton's have never considered a career in public life, because they are too hard-hitting for anyone to vote for them?
I know at least a dozen of these women myself.
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