"I think Governor Huckabee would probably have phrased it differently. Mike speaks off the cuff, as some of us are known to do, and probably would have chose different words to communicate that."—Rick Santorum, defending Mike Huckabee's asinine comments yesterday about conservatives' "war for women."
"Speaking off the cuff" is the new "misspoke." Or whatever variation: "He's unfiltered." "He's unrehearsed." "He's a maverick." Whatever.
Yeah, that's kind of the problem. And we all know that's the problem. That your uncensored thoughts about women are reprehensible garbage.
I don't even know why they bother making excuses for each other. "He got a gleep glorp in his processing center." Sure. Who cares. The point is that your policies are indecent and you're all terrible.
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