There it is!
I tweeted about it at the time, but I'm too lazy to go find it and who cares. Anyway! So my #365FeministSelfie pic today was of me wearing the stripey jumper. (Which I seriously wear ALL THE TIME because I love it SO MUCH.)
This, you see, is a Big Deal. Because I never see any clothes I own/wear on TV shows or in films. Because, ya know, very few fat ladies!
It's a funny thing, too, because Retta is a fat woman who is fat in the same shape I am fat, so I've always paid attention her clothes (on Parks and Rec and in pix from promotional events, etc.) for inspiration. Especially because she always looks terrific.
The dearth of visible fat women, especially fat women without an hourglass figure, means I was, for a long time, unsure what looked good (to me) on bodies like mine. Although I was fairly certain it wasn't the billowing tunics designed to mask the shape of my body that are ubiquitous in plus-size lines, and I knew I didn't give a damn for rules like "no horizontal stripes." O RLY? THEY MIGHT MAKE ME LOOK FAT? O NOES!
So yeah. I was always checking out Retta's clothes and styling, so I take the Stripey Jumper Incident as evidence I'm on the right track. *wink!*
(Note: I don't think there's One Right Track for how to dress—only the right track toward feeling good about yourself. Which actually may be many tracks. It's your call for you! You do you! Treat yoself!)
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