This Will Win Over All the Womenz

Good job, Republican strategists!
The highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress will deliver the party's official response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address on Tuesday.

Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the chair of the Republican conference and a mother of three (her most recent child having been born late last year), has been tapped to deliver the high-profile speech.

...She'll be the first woman to deliver the Republican response to a Democratic president's State of the Union address since Maine Sen. Susan Collins co-delivered the 2000 response with then-Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn.
Ooh, fancy!
The GOP has turned toward women within the party to help improve a gender gap from which the party suffered during the 2012 presidential election, especially as some high-profile Republicans made uncouth remarks about abortion rights and rape.
OMG. That is probably the greatest sentence that's ever been written.

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