The latest hearing on Indiana's HJR-3, which seeks to codify discrimination against same-sex couples into the state constitution, is taking place right now. Again, pro-equality advocates have packed the place, including Carol Trexler, a woman with cancer who followed chemotherapy treatment with testimony at the state house, to talk about how her wife cannot make decisions or pick up her medical records and cannot take medical leave because their marriage is not legally recognized.
I have never been so angry at our goddamn shitty state Republicans as I am right now. I am rage-crying at my desk.
Seriously, anyone who honestly believes their marriage will be undermined by making the institution inclusive of same-sex couples should maybe consider building their marriage on a foundation more solid than rank, rickety bigotry. My marriage is built on a foundation of love, and love ain't threatened by more love.
(For the record, it ain't threatened by marriages of convenience, either.)
But of course virtually no one actually believes marriage equality will undermine different-sex marriages. That's just a thin rhetorical veneer used to mask the vile bigotry of privileged assholes who are ashamed of, but not decent enough to acknowledge, the desperate insecurity about their super-special relationships losing the shimmering, golden glow that only denying equality to same-sex couples conveys upon their gloriously gilded unions.
Marriage is ours, dammit! That's what this garbage is really about. Greed. Prejudice is stingy, because privilege is a zero-sum game.
[Via @NaptownNat, whose coverage of this hearing at the other end of my state has been indispensable, and I am so grateful for her work.]
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