Ryan at Uproxx:
They're up there to tightrope from one balloon to another. The stunt is called "The Balloon Highline" and it's performed by The Skyliners, a team of French tightrope walkers.
This video is fantastic on so many levels. It manages to capture some pants-sh*ttingly terrifying shots via helmet cameras. It's also insulated from the internet's inevitable "FAKE!" calls, because none of the daredevils actually make it across. That's right, NONE OF THEM MAKE IT! The video is splat-free, however, because the daredevils are wearing parachutes. Which somehow makes the video even more vertigo-inducing — and more awesome.
(If you're the kind of person who hates buildup, skip straight to the two-minute mark for the action.)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaa!!! <-- That's me watching this video and just scream-laughing while trying not to cry and shit my pants.
[Video Description: The first two minutes is just a montage of the team getting the air balloons ready for launch. And then it's another two minutes of team members trying to walk across a tightrope stretched between two hot air balloons high above the ground, failing, and falling off. With parachutes. At the end of the video, text onscreen reads: "We plan to try again in a few days."]
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